
Who We Are

Brief History

The Great Commission Movement of Ghana (GCMG) is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International, a worldwide inter-denominational Christian organization. Dr. & Mrs. Bill Bright founded Campus Crusade for Christ International in 1951 in the USA. The Great Commission Movement of Ghana was first registered in Ghana in 1967 and has since grown in developing ministries on the university campuses and in the communities in partnerships with churches and para-church groups.

●                1967 - 1969

o  At the 1967 CCC International year, there was a lot of emphasis to take the Campus Crusade movement from the US to the rest of the world. The Ohio State University Campus was focused on sending Short Term Projects to Ghana led by Gordon Walker. Bernard Midie, a Ghanaian who was also at the international year event, was sent to Ghana by the Ohio State team.

o  Solomon Asimpi was recruited and he resigned from the University of Ghana to join the ministry.

o  The Ghana ministry was first registered as Ghana Campus Crusade for Christ in 1967.


●                1970 - 1979

o  In 1974, Ev Davis, visited Ghana to help with Lay Institute of Evangelism Trainings.

o  John and Joan Austin, missionaries of CCCI, arrived in the country in 1977 and settled in Kumasi.

o  Campus Ministry started on the University of Science and Technology Campus, Kumasi. Key student leaders involved were Divine Morny, Senyo Tetteh, Francis Osei and Dela Adadevoh.

o  Ben Ecklu was the First Ghanaian to join Full Time Staff in 1979.


●                1980 - 1989

o  “I found it campaign” took place when many local church denominations joined with CCC to reach out to the communities. Over 100,000 people were reached.

o  The National Headquarters was moved from Kumasi to Accra in 1981 with ministry on 3 campuses.

o  The Expatriate staff departed in 1983 and ministry was handed over to National Leadership in keeping with CCCI's Policy. Dela Adadevoh became the National Director.

o  In 1985, The name Ghana Campus Crusade for Christ International was changed to the Great Commission Movement of Ghana.

o  Explo ’85, “Come Help Change the World”, brought Christian workers from all over the country for one week of training in Evangelism and Discipleship and Spiritual awakening in Accra while linked to 97 countries on Five Continents by Satellite.

o  New Life Training Centres began. Church members were trained in evangelism and discipleship.


●                1990-1999

 “The Damgbe Project”. GCMG, with the Damgbe Jesus Film, cooperated with the churches to reach the Damgbe people, over 370,000 were exposed to the gospel, with over 190,000 indicating a decision for Christ. Over 1,500 volunteers trained in Evangelism and Follow-up.

o  “Operation Joshua” in 1996.  The Jesus Film was used extensively to reach the people around Konongo through to Asante Bekwai. Over 290,000 and 130,000 were respectively exposed and won to Jesus Christ. About 1,600 volunteers were also trained.

o  “The Pass it on Campaign” in 1998. This massive evangelistic outreach mobilized 650 local churches with a vision of reaching Ghana for Christ. Over 14,000 Christians were trained, who exposed 650,000 to the gospel and over 260,000 indicated decision for Christ.

o  There was ministry on six tertiary campuses.


●                2000 -2009

o  GCMG launched the Cross-Roads Strategy for Schools and the Executive Ministry for leaders

o  There were 21 Jesus Film Teams serving across the country by this time.

o  Stanley Yamoah takes over as New National Director from Valentine Hayibor in 2005

o  Conferences: Hope Conferences, Harvest West Africa I, Pamoja I, CM 2007 and Pamoja II.

o  Everystudent.com, Global Media Outreach and related Virtual Ministries evolving.


●                2010 - 2019

o  Annual National Go-North Missions in the Northern Regions to reach out to Muslims started.

o  Kokofuman For Christ Missions Begins and takes place every 2 years. 10,838 heard the gospel, with 4,726 praying to receive Christ. This led to the Amansie for Chris Missions in 2017

o  A Jesus DVD was produced with 16 Ghanaian Languages on it.

o  Conferences: Fire Seeds I & II, Pamoja III, Harvest West Africa II, Pamoja IV and NASCO 2018.

o  Launching of the National Ministry Website in 2014. www.gcmghana.org; @gcmghana for networks.

o  First Indigitous Lite Event held in Accra in 2015 with 114 participants.

o  The Digiship Project started with the production of Walking With Jesus Series used on Campus.

o  FamilyLife launched in 2018, and Leader Impact Launched in 2019

o  Kumah Doe took over as New National Director from Stanley Yamoah in 2019

●                2020 - date

As of June 2022, the ministry that began as a single Campus Ministry now has active ministries in Student-Led Movement (40 Campuses), Global Church Movement (with 11 church planting teams that have planted 232 churches from 2018-2022), Capacity Accelerators of Movements and Digital Strategies. There are also ministry initiates in Prayer, Leader Impact, Family Life, Ministry to Teachers & the Military.

There are ministry offices in 4 Cities with 339 Supported Staff, Salaried Staff, Associates and Volunteers.

Our calling To help fulfill the Great Commission of our Jesus Christ by winning, building and sending in the power of the Holy Spirit and helping the body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship 

Our Vision To see movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.

Our Mission Win, build, and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements. We seek to win people by boldly proclaiming Christ so that every person gets a chance to hear the gospel. We build by deeply developing leaders and spiritual movements to equip every believer to lead. And we send by urgently mobilizing co-laborers and partnerships so that every believer is involved in the harvest.

Statement of Faith The sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible, God’s infallible written Word, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments.  We believe that it was uniquely, verbally and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that it was written without error (inerrant) in the original manuscripts.  It is the supreme and final authority in all matters on which it speaks.

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