Explore answers to life's biggest questions.
Understand how you can know God personally.
Understand evangelism and strategies to help share your faith story.
Take the next step in your faith journey with devotionals, resources and core truths.
The Digital Champions Summit on September 23, 2024, will gather 1,000 attendees including church leaders, youth leaders, and professionals from various sectors like technology and AI.
How we seek to journey together with everyone towards a relationship with Jesus.
What we believe about the gospel and our call to serve every nation.
Learn about Cru's global leadership team.
When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen.
Leading from values so others will walk passionately with God to grow and bear fruit.
Names, photographs and short biographies of GCM Ghana Staff
We are living in the greatest period of spiritual harvest in the history of the world. With the technology and resources available to us today, the doors to reach millions for Christ have never been so wide open. But we need more laborers.
ML NEt is an initiative to mobilize all Campus Crusade for Christ alumni (and other Christian graduates who have some association with our movement) into a big national network of lifetime volunteers to see where ever they live or work as a mission field and do ministry as such.
HSM seeks to provide wholistic development of students through: 1) Evangelism and discipleship strategies for sound minds and intellectual development. and 2) Moral and Spiritual training based on biblical principles.
Trains leaders of integrity and vision who spearhead transformation in all domains of African societies.
Women doing ministry with the focus on evangelism and discipleship irrespective of their work engagements or the church they attend. .
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